Infrared dryer for tempering & curing powder coatings
Due to high and steadily increasing environmental requirements, high plant and maintenance costs and the increasingly cost-intensive disposal of solvents, hardeners and old containers, powder coating offers a valuable alternative to wet coating. Further potential advantages are the better surface quality, the higher impact, scratch and abrasion resistance and the higher resistance to chemicals.
Powder coatings are melted and baked after application. Heat is required for this. Due to the direct energy input and the high power density of infrared radiation in the wavelengths of the absorption spectra of the powder coating, rapid heating takes place. The molecules are excited to increased vibrations. The powder coating starts to gel and then cross-links. This results in an accelerated curing process.
In contrast to convection, tempering with an infrared paint dryer takes place without air movement. The powder coating can be tempered without air movement and without powder carry-over. An intelligent temperature control prevents powder overburning.
Paint types: Acrylic powder coatings, polyester powder coatings, epoxy powder coatings
Materials: Metals, glass, plastics, SMC, wood materials
Applications: Compressed gas cylinders, battery covers, MDF fibreboards, SMC mouldings, aluminium coil sheets, car rims, cast mouldings...
Drying systems for your application: Pinning and curing powder coatings
IBT GmbH possesses extensive know-how in the tempering & curing of powder coatings by means of infrared systems.
We support you in the new conception, equipment or retrofitting of your drying plants with infrared technology. The retrofitting of existing coating systems (so-called retrofit) results in considerable cost savings compared to the purchase of a new system.
The advantages of powder combustion with infrared at a glance
Especially for heavy products, powder firing with infrared can score points. It is not necessary to heat complete components. Due to the direct and fast energy input into the powder coating, it melts and cross-links quickly so that only a small part of the heat input is conducted into the component. The energy and time saved in this way optimises your powder process.
- Fast and direct heat input
- Adaptation of the radiator layout to the component geometry
- Switching radiators on and off for different component sizes à energy saving
- Immediate operational readiness of the emitters and the furnace → no preheating
- Choice between electric and gas-catalytic infrared emitters
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Products & Solutions:
Ingolf Jaeger
Head of Sales
Dipl.-Ing. Mechanical Engineering
Phone.: +49 (0) 3731 1683-15