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Infrared systems as well as heat and radiation technology

Infrared systems make a significant contribution to a cost-efficient production process, as they help saving a lot of energy, space and, above all, time. Intelligent control systems also ensure a high level of process reliability. IBT offers customized infrared systems for a variety of thermal processes that are required for working or processing plastics and composites, paints and food.

Optimization of industrial heat processes by an IR system

Erwärmung von Graphit-Kupfer-Folien im Durchlauf

IBT is your competent partner for the optimization and retrofitting of already existing production plants, which are needed for thermal processes. The big advantage of infrared technology is that it can be adapted to almost every production cycle.

For our customers, we develop innovative infrared emitter systems which are integrated into the existing or newly planned production plant in relation to the process. In particular thermally demanding process cycles, the flexible adaptation of the infrared systems offers an extended possibility.

Depending on the process, the suitable IR system, its structure and quantity are selected. The design of the IR system is based not least on physical fundamentals, but also on the many years of experience of our engineers. Extensive tests in-house or at the customers premises support the theory in practice. With the help of the appropriate control system, the infrared system is completed.

We offer the following infrared systems:

  • Single heaters for the installation into plants incl. customer-specific control system
  • Ready-for-connection infrared modules (assembling of several heaters into a stainless steel housing) incl. customer-specific control system
  • Gate and tunnel concepts
  • Infrared heater and modules incl. simple power controller or temperature controller as tabletop device
    • Also available as loan unit for trials tests

Infrared systems offer the advantage that no transmission medium is required for their use. In addition, an infrared system with a long-lasting, environmentally friendly heat source is at your disposal.

Industrial infrared systems - adapted exactly to your needs

Are you faced with the task of expanding or redeveloping your system?

IBT is your ideal partner for this project. In terms of infrared systems, our engineers have extensive know-how and find the optimum solution for the thermal processing of a wide variety of materials. With existing samples we undertake initial tests in our technical center in Freiberg. Using our mobile IR technology as well as measuring and control systems, we also support field tests under production conditions at your site.

The specialists of the company IBT support you in the conception and equipment of your plants - with our infrared technology adapted to your needs. For example, an IR system can significantly shorten the overall length of a system. Our infrared radiators are flexible in design and can be adapted to the conditions of the installation space.

We are looking forward to offer you an individual solution.


Ingolf Jaeger

Head of Sales
Dipl.-Ing. Mechanical Engineering

Phone.: +49 (0) 3731 1683-15

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