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Maximum heat exposure by infrared

For the process related heating, the use of infrared emitters opens numerous advantages. IBT Infrabiotech allows a maximum energy input and high flow rates by client-specific ir plant engineering, especially for the processing of organic sheets.

The company IBT.InfraBioTech GmbH is a well-established manufacturer of infrared plant engineering and expert for infrared radiation heat from Freiberg. Especially the use of so-called STIR-heaters (selective transformed infrared) of this supplier is protected by patents for some specific process applications. Thereby the IBT appears as a complete service provider from the plant planning up to the installation and after sales services – namely in various application fields, such as heating and processing of foils, coatings, plastics materials as well as in the modern field of organic sheets processing.

The major advantage of the ir heating is the higher power density opposite to convective processes. “In the hot oven the temperature difference to the production components defines how fast the heating can be occurred. In conventional solutions the temperature difference increases slowly during the heating process – however, when using an infrared radiation source with up 2.600°C, the temperature difference remains constantly on a high level”, explains sales engineer Ingolf Jaeger. Therefore it is possible for instance in applications, to heat a plastic foil in a continuous process within a few seconds from 20°C to forming temperature. Moreover ir heating systems can be controlled very precisely, since the IR radiators can be shut down much faster than similar convective systems.

A rapidly growing market experiences IBT currently in the sector of processing of organic sheets, the modern semi-finished products for the reliable series production of lightweight structural components. Before forming, the thermoplastic matrix must be heated, either through contact heat transfer directly in the forming die, by convective heat transfer or by thermal radiation such as infrared technology. “In particular for the market of organic sheets we are currently experiencing a strong trend towards the ir-plant engineering”, reports Dr. Robert Eder, Head of Technical Development at IBT.

What especially indicates the usage of infrared technology in the processing of organic sheets, please refer to the K-ZEITUNG edition 07/2016, the focus topic temperature regulation technology.


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K-Zeitung Online, 01. April 2016
Arne Grävemeyer
Topic: technology-temperature regulation technology

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