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STIR® grilled delicatessen for dogs and cats

STIR®-infrared-grill system for pet food, infrared heater emitter, ir-heater, ir-dryer

The Swiss company Delipet AG has put a STIR® grill system for pet food inoperation a year ago and now has acquired experiences with our infrared technology for the first time.

With our special infrared STIR® the small meat pieces are not only grilled tasty but also ebergy efficient. '... It is surprising and very positive that the system transfers the energy on the meat and does not emit great heat to the environment', emphasises Dominik Stohler, member of the board of directors of Delipet AG.

The STIR® grilled cat snacks for the picky four-legged friends are for instance available at 'Fressnapf' and in pet shops. Recently, chicken chips are produced on the system as well.

That the 'four-legged customers' accept the snacks shows: the first STIR® system for pet food from IBT has passed the test.

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