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Construction Drying since 2002

Marek Trocknungstechnik, Uhingen-Holzhausen (GER)

Fraunhofer Reinraumzentrum Stuttgart (GERMANY) – drying of water damage in the research laboratory: “The drying process in a scientific institution mainly should process quietly; with equipment not using blowers. Furthermore the laboratory is surrounded by a long-ranged stairwell, wherefore the application of condenser dryers would have been unfavorable. By using the infrared wall dryer the drying mission has been solved optimal.”

Mohr Trocknungs-Technik GmbH, Berlin (GER)

After water damage in an old building basement, in a commercial building in Berlin, the measurements on a 70 cm thick wall showed a dampness of approximately 90 Digits. The drying has been undertaken with the infrared wall dryer “Jumbo” that dried the wall thoroughly within 2 weeks.

ALPHA THERM, Wolfgang Ludwig, Zwickau (GER)

“Previously we used conventional technologies for drying of punctual strong dampness’s. Nowadays we use infrared wall dryers for these assignments and in order to that we work much more effective as well as time- and energy-saving. Especially for deeper dampness it causes better drying effects in considerably less time”

Wolfgang Ludwig, who combines the infrared wall drying technology of IBT optimal with other drying technologies, knows as well the “problem of the very first row of tile” for owner-occupied houses: “In many private property homes the first row of tile, even without water damage, is moistly, what I can spot by infrared-thermography. For preventing this problem is recommended to dry the changeover between floor and wall preventative, before plastering and setting the floor construction.”

Bautrocknung Matter GmbH, Niederlassung Chemnitz (GER)

The Technical University “Bergakademie Freiberg” had a water damage caused by a long-term covered defective heating cable. The administrative rooms have been concerned, where the brickwork with 50 to 60 cm wall thickness has been imbrued partially. This is a problem appearing frequently on old buildings: many different tiles have been used that shows different drying characteristics.

Walls of that thickness with a deep rate of dampness and different quality tiles can only be hard-dried penetrative by infrared or hyperfrequency wave. The decision for the application of the infrared wall dryer has been made owing to following reasons:

The business operation in the administrative rooms needed to be abided.

  • The infrared wall dryer works noiseless
  • The equipment needs small place, and
  • There is no need to arranging protection zones for people

The drying has been completed relatively speedy (approx. 1 month) in coordination to other current construction works. Working places has been displaced temporarily; the business operation has been continued without any interruption.

Rieth Spezialbau, Reinholterode (GER)

“In many using cases we apply for infrared wall dryers from IBT preferably to hyperfrequency wave, especially in our house … Due to the unproblematic using of the infrared equipment we are able to offer a pre-drying for draining drying at no charge.”

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